Beyond the Wire was developed by Redstone Interactive - the daughter company of Offworld Industries. I was offered a voluntary job at Redstone as a part of a small group of QA testers in the team. As a QA tester I worked through a spreadsheet of bugs and systems. My goal was to stress-test and bug-fix every aspect of the game and ensure new systems, maps, items were correctly implemented.
Redstone Interactive was my first experience working day to day in a professional team creating a iii game. This was at the height of COVID-19, so this role was my priority for nearly half a year.
Below are the links to the Beyond the Wire credits (which I am included in) and Steam page:​


Irezumi is a university game I am currently working on with a team of 13 people. It is a utopian Cyberpunk, Rogue-like, Hack&Slash game. We hope to break genre stereotypes.
I am one of two designers, creating systems and roadmaps for the game's progression over the next year. Below is the page:

Royal Battalion

Royal Battalion is an online community focused on the game 'Squad'. During COVID-19 I became a member of this community, and within two months was promoted to Event Manager. Several months after that I became a community Leader. I was responsible for 3,500 people within the Discord and tens of thousands of people who joined the Squad server every day. I created posters and logos, like the ones shown. As I became a trusted member of the community I was regularly invited to participate in QA testing for the developers of Squad - Offworld Industries, who later offered me a position with their daughter company Redstone.
As Event Manager I organised events every weekend, creating gamemodes and fun activities for the community members. This involved advertising to the larger Squad community of 60,000 people on the official game Discord. It was an amazing life experience and arguably the first step I took towards becoming a Game Designer.
​Below is the link to the Royal Battalion Discord and Server link:

The Old Realms

The Old Realms is the No. 1 mod for the game Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord on ModDB. It is a Warhammer Fantasy total conversion mod and I was one of their key Game Designers. I created systems, fixed game balancing and helped with community management. I wrote countless papers and systems to incorporate, many of which are in the mod today, with many mechanics implemented long after my departure.
I worked in a semi-professional manner with incredibly talented individuals. It was my first taster of what a professional Game Design does.
​​Below are the links for the ModDB page, Steam Workshop page, and the Discord:​